Medical Freedom Planning

What if there was one platform where you could protect your future healthcare decisions, preserve your quality of life and have access to a nationwide network of estate planning lawyers.

Holistic Health Directives

As a medical freedom loving American,you represent almost 40% of the population who recognize the value of holistic health. Yet, conventional doctors fail to inquire whether their patients use complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) in conjunction with, or as an alternative to conventional medicine. Moreover a majority of lawyers fail to question, or even consider,alternative therapies, due to a lack of awareness. That was our inspiration in create the only platform dedicated to protect your holistic care wishes, no matter what the future holds.

Life Planning Services

You are more than a label, a diagnosis or a statistic. You are an individual with beliefs, values, and a rich history that makes you who you are. You possess your own mindset and desires regarding your care if you are no longer able to express you wishes. You deserve a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional advance directives and supports you to create a customized life plan that adequately captures who you are.

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flag of USA
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selective focus photography of black pen on book
tilt-shift photography of woman behind short-coated white and brown puppy
tilt-shift photography of woman behind short-coated white and brown puppy
Companion Animal Advanced Planning

What happens to your pet if something happens to you? Sadly, more than 500,000 pets are euthanized each year because of a failure to plan for their care in case the unexpected occurs. At Medical FreedomPlanning.Com, we recognize the importance of including custom language in you advance directives to protect your furry family members and ensure they maintain their current quality of life even if you are no longer able to care for them.


If you're looking for a simple, standard and inexpensive advance directive, we are not for you.

If you are seeking a life plan comprised of documents, videos and audio files to capture your thoughts, beliefs, values and insights. you are in the right place.

If you believe that your autonomy and dignity are too important to leave to chance or to be made by strangers who don't know you, don't ear you and don't truly see you, and don't share, or even care about your values, you are the reason we are here.

If you want to take ownership of your healthcare, future proof your control over your healthcare decisions, and craft an interactive array of communications to reflect your wishes, your faith, values, beliefs and preserve your words, we can't wait to work with you.Are You Ready to Protect Your Medical Freedom and Future Proof Your Medical Decisons?

If you're truly ready to transform your future, please click the button below and complete your purchase.

Once confirmed. you will receive an email with materials and instruction on how to get started. If you have any questions, please complete ye form below and someone will respond within 24 hours.

Total Cost to create Your Custom Life Plan

and Preserve Your Wellth:$2497