A Holistic Approach to Health

Holistic health refers to a view that your health encompasses your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. At Liberty Wellness, we recognize that all aspects of your life are involved in the prevention and management of illness. We recognize that dis-ease literally refers to a lack pf balance that requires attention. Once properly addressed,health can return.That belief guides us to coaching and therapeutics that considers each aspect of your life situation to create a comprehensive coaching prtocol.

Are you tired of constantly battling illnesses and feeling like your body is against you? What if you could tap into your body's God given healing abilities to prevent disease.

Imagine a life where illness is the exception, not the norm. By embracing a holistic approach to medicine, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases and enjoy a life of vitality and wellness.

So, what is the key to dis-ease proofing your life? It's a Personal Wellth formula that focuses on a root cause approach to wellness.

With the aid of natural therapy protocols that provide additional support, discover how you can activate your body's ability to strengthen and rebuild your resilience and detoxify from whatever environmental damage that may have occurred.

woman in white shirt and black pants standing on rocky mountain during daytime
woman in white shirt and black pants standing on rocky mountain during daytime

Chronic Health Coaching

Cognitive Health Coaching

It’s estimated that a new case of Dementia is diagnosed every 3 seconds

Research has reveled that cognitive decline may be prevented and managed and even resolved through lifestyle changes.

Since cognitive decline can begin as early as our 20s and can be present years before it is diagnosed the importance of maintaining our cognitive health should be a focus at any age. Achieving cognitive health requires a holistic approach that focuses on factors such as nutrition, exercise and sleep.

As a Naturopathic Doctor with multiple certifications related to cognitive health, Dr. Patti McCartney combines ancient medicines and state of the art research to create a a customized protocol that concentrates on mind, body and spirit, and is designed to prevent or even reverse cognitive health issues, including cognitive associated Long COVID.

black and silver stethoscope on white surface
black and silver stethoscope on white surface

Negative thoughts can create patterns in the subconscious mind and influence the release of chemicals and hormones in the body. These can contribute to increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, as well as suppressing the immune system which may result in the development of disease over time. However, these thought patterns can be disrupted and destructive thoughts can be reframed into those that are more positive, as part of your healing process.By making minor shifts in your thought patterns, you will automatically activate your body's inner pharmacy and healing abilities. That shift is what I refer to as personal wellth, spelled W-E-L-L-T-H.

Most doctors never learned about the role your emotions play in your overall health, so you're not able to get the full benefit of this added step that can transform your health. The truth is, you can do everything else right but if you still have unregulated emotions, you may continue to illness or a undesired outcome. However, by learning to recognize destructive patterns and rewrite the negative script that exists in your subconscious so those that are more positive, encouraging, and uplifting, you can identify and release past trauma and trapped emotions, and discover proven techniques to reduce stress, boost your immune system, and create a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

man in blue crew neck shirt covering his face
man in blue crew neck shirt covering his face

Are Your Thoughts Making You Sick?

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Discover the Liberty Wellness Difference

Dr. Patti believes that true medical freedom involves freedom from pharmaceutical medications. As part of the support she offers, she educates clients on the internal pharmacy that God has built within each of us as well as the external one He has provided through nature.